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An pedestrian and cycle bridge connecting Rotherhithe with Canary Wharf
Group Members
Jean Amine, Jesmer Kanvar, Faisal Khashman, Jack Maggs, Stephen Monaghan, Walid Salhab, Jamai Soyemi
Alastair Mcdonald, Dr Howard Clarke
Population and employment growth in East London is placing strain upon existing crossing methods. To combat this, Transport for London is proposing a number of possible river crossings in East London to improve cross-river connectivity. A feasibility study was carried out by Sustrans for a river crossing connecting the Isle of Dogs and the Rotherhithe Peninsula. As a result of London’s growing interest in cycling and walking, together with respective population and employment growth in Rotherhithe and Canary Wharf, a pedestrian/cyclist bridge linking these areas was the proposed solution.

The proposed design is a truss bascule bridge, offering a high quality, low carbon and zero pollution link across the River Thames. The bridge has total span of 370m and an openable span of 184m. In addition to hydraulic rams, the design utilises the truss masts of the main structure as a counterweight, significantly reducing the amount of energy required to open and close the bridge.

The uniqueness of the design stems from its type, location and magnitude, with the proposal being the first opening bridge to be built on the River Thames since Tower Bridge in 1894. The proposal will be the only bridge in London east of Tower Bridge, and if constructed, will be the largest in the world of its type, thus creating a recognisable landmark for London.