Shell Eco Marathon

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The Shell Eco Marathon Team are designing and manufacturing a car to compete in the 2016 competition
Group Members
Robert Alexander, Tudor Atanasiu, Lelia Barascu, Horia Bogdan, Diogo Cardia Lopes, Stefano Cinti, Mauro Cozzi, George Culache, Morikeh Daramy, Adrian Dumitrescu, Stefan Ilie, Joe Lamming, Gabriel Llanos, Lucas Noyau, Charlotte Orledge, Alfredo Pantini, Brian Shiu, Adrian Wheeldon, Michael Yu, Andreas Zimmerman

Professor Roberto Lot

The University of Southampton Shell Eco Marathon Team are designing and manufacturing an energy efficient car to compete in the 2016 Shell Eco Marathon Competition.

The aim is to design a vehicle that minimises energy loss and this year the areas of focus have been to: develop an efficient powertrain, reduce rolling resistance and mechanical energy losses, and to optimise aerodynamics.

This is the first year that students from Engineering and the Environment have entered the competition and the goal is to continue to enter the event on a yearly basis and realise performance improvements each year.

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