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Year 1 Civil Engineering
Group Members
Ane Iruretagoyena-Medina, Zufizah Jasman, Andrew Oakey, Paul Staples

Alastair McDonald, Carl Leroy-Smith, Dr Alan Bloodworth

This ascending structure spans between a curb and the parapet of an adjacent wall. The angle of the structure references the geometries and patterns of the site and helps to resolve vertical and horizontal forces acting on the beam. A central ‘leg’ adds further stability. The beam is constructed from two materials, a thin aluminium flat bar primarily resisting bending in the vertical plane due to self-weight, and a mechanically fixed oak batten which acts in compression to transmit forces due particularly to self-weight to the supports, and acts compositely together with the aluminium bar to resist horizontal forces by bending.

60x3mm Aluminum flat bar
38x19mm planned Oak
15mm Aluminum rod
3mm Aluminum rod
Bees Wax

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