This lookout structure leans against a retaining wall and extends its spire to a height that corresponds to an adjacent building. Constructed from readily available softwood timber and consists of three primary beams. The first sits horizontally on the ground, providing a level base for the structure and stability against overturning, and acts as a pivot for the structure as a whole. The second beam is designed to lean against the wall. The third is the spire which vertically cantilevers 3.5m into the air. All connections are bolted to allow for ease of assembly. Two proprietary concrete blocks suspended adjacent to the base of the spire provide weight to the structure, increasing the available friction with the ground to counteract horizontal wind loading whilst keeping the centre of gravity low to resist overturning.
60x40mmsoftwood timber battens
35x25mm softwood timber battens
M8 galvanised steel threaded bar
M8 zinc plated hexagonal steel
60x40mmsoftwood timber battens
35x25mm softwood timber battens
M8 galvanised steel threaded bar
M8 zinc plated hexagonal steel