This traversing structure spans between a low level wall and a window cill. The two identical beams are supported in the middle by a central leg frame, halving the span, reducing the required beam depth to optimise the visual lightness, mitigating the difference in site levels and allowing for effective transportaion/ fabrication logistics. The beams are I shaped in plan with transverse, splayed sections to help stabilise and level the structure. The beam cross-sections are relatively thin across their width on each side but proportionally deep vertically, which is the best orientation to carry the weight and imposed vertical loads in bending. Transverse elements connecting the two sides help to share the load between each side and form box sections to resist torsion.
12mm Birch plywood
12mm mild steel rod
M5 connector bolts and caps
M12 galvanised hexagonal nuts
Acrylic spray paint (white)
12mm Birch plywood
12mm mild steel rod
M5 connector bolts and caps
M12 galvanised hexagonal nuts
Acrylic spray paint (white)